Digital X-Ray

Digital X-Ray

Digital X-ray is getting more common in the medical world, due to the higher costs of the investment; the advantage of lower doses for the patient should be the main factor in the treatment. The percentage of the doses in digital x-ray compared to the old one can vary up to only ten percent of the radiation needed to make the image. So if you need an X-Ray, the only one should be a digital one!

In the German Dental Oasis we offer you the latest technology in dental x-ray’s and on demand we can send these x-rays per email or CD to the referring doctor, especially when your doctor needs special images.

Advantage of digital X-Ray:

Low doses of radiation

Possibility of manipulation after the image – magnification etc.

Making copies in an easy way.

The file can be sent or given to the patient per email or flash card

Working hours

09AM - 20PM
09AM - 20PM
09AM - 20PM
09AM - 20PM
09AM - 20PM
09AM - 20PM
09AM - 20PM

Bldg 64, Al Razi Block C Second floor, Office 2017
P.O.Box: D.H.C.C 505034
Dubai Healthcare City
Dubai, United Arab Emirates